Rock Paper Scissors League  

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Can you believe this??? It's actually a sport!!!

My kids play this all the time (usually in a battle for who's going to get lumbered with the washing up!) who knew that we may have budding world champions in our midst.

I love how seriously they seem to be taking it, is it so strenuous though, that they really need so few clothes???


Rock Paper Scissors League

This is a sport started on a dare... right? The U. S. Association of Rock Paper Scissors. That's right, U.S. Association... damn proud. The USARPS League is the official Rock Paper Scissors League of the United States. It is sponsored by Bud Light. Matti Leshem is the co-commissioner of the USA Rock Paper Scissors League. The inaugural USA Rock Paper Scissors League Championship was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Following months of regional qualifying tournaments held across the US, 257 players were flown to Las Vegas for a single-elimination tournament at the House of Blues where the winner received $50,000. The tournament was shown on the A&E Network.

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