Nappy Mountain
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
This is what My hallway looks like now...what a nightmare. Deion is incontinent and wears pads, special ones with a sort of outer pant and a pad insert so he can try on the toilet.
Every couple of weeks, we get a delivery...this is brilliant and convenient and I am very grateful for it. But, he just doesn't seem to go through as many pads as they send. The pants however, get ruined easily as they are so thin.
Thinking I was being helpful, I rang the delivery service and said not to send pads as I had loads, but could I please have two lots of pants...I was told this was fine...the delivery came, no pants, 2 lots of pads.I rang them again and told them, said can they just send two lots of her to repeat it back, she had it a delivery...two lots of pads...NO PANTS!!!
Phoned again, asked them if they could pick up some pads,
"But store them, you will need them eventually,"she said.
"Yes, but cupboard under stairs packed to hilt, now have had to pile some more in hallway, no space for Deion's wheelchair," I said.
"Okay will pick up ten packets."
"Thank you." very relieved.
Today, knock on the front door, man delivering ten packets of pads "NO!" I yelled...
Frightened man. He looked horrified!
"You're picking up," I almost cried.
"Can't pick up, I just deliver."
Now, Deion has a years supply of pads, the cupboard is packed, have packets stashed under beds and behind sofa...these are the ones I can't find homes for!!! maybe I could try to convince visitors it's some sort of work of modern art....
25 March 2009 at 13:29
I know this is not funny...and it's really frustrating for you. But think of it this way, a few years from now as you'll be yucking it up as you use the last of these pads
25 March 2009 at 13:41
You poor thing! If visitors can't understand that the service made a mistake, phoey on them!
I feel your frustration. Sending you a big hug to help you get thru your day.
25 March 2009 at 13:44
Oh my gosh Sally this was too funny...what is wrong with those delivery people??
25 March 2009 at 13:45
I just had an could give a free pack of nappy's to every visitor HA!
25 March 2009 at 14:07
LOL..thats a great idea...everyones going to have incontinence issues eventually right????
25 March 2009 at 14:59
Oh my goodness! Well, I guess it's a good thing you have a whole lot of something you can actually use...eventually! I bet it's frustrating and can't imagine your dismay when they showed up the third time with the wrong order! Thanks for your comments on my blog...and for becoming a follower! It seems like you have had quite the journey of life!
25 March 2009 at 15:42
Hmm, well I suppose if you are ever in flood danger that you will be set? I cant believe they did that so many times. Okay, scratch that, I can believe it. Bummer that they couldnt get it right, but I guess they will have small deliveries for a while. Good luck stashing the rest. I say build a cushy throne for guests to perch in while visiting. Would make for a great blog post, complete with pics, right? lol
25 March 2009 at 16:09
LOL right I'm on it, nappy throne here we go! kids are going to think its a game...
25 March 2009 at 17:39 This reminds me of the time our supplier did this with cases of Nik's formula! We had huge, heavy boxes all over the house. I finally gave it away to an animal shelter for the kittens and puppies.
25 March 2009 at 17:51
Oh no, doesn't it just figure? Maybe you could have a contest where people come up with ideas for the pads, like cleaning windows, or put in the bottom of a birdcage...and the winner guessed it! Free pads.
25 March 2009 at 18:00
oh man....thats just frustrating!!!! And especially when you made a hundred calls and they STILL didnt get it right!!!! grrrrrrrr
25 March 2009 at 18:48
Oh my gosh. That is too crazy. Too crazy for words. I am glad the poor delivery man is ok : ).
25 March 2009 at 19:14
Do you have a fireplace? I bet they'd make great kindling :-)