
Monday, 2 February 2009

I love Maya Angelou’s work; I find her poetry poignant and meaningful to me. So I bought this book when I came across it in a second hand bookshop. The entire book consists of one poem. It is as moving as any of her work I have read to date.There is no foreword, preface, afterword, bibliography, or any explanatory notes to "Mother," just the poem itself. If you did not stop to ponder and meditate the words, you could read the book in five minutes flat. But that would be a real shame. Angelou's poem evokes the grace and power of mothers everywhere, and our experience of them beginning as babies, then proceeding through childhood, teenage rebellion (for some of us!!!), and then into adulthood. Angelou's poetry reaffirmed my gratitude and admiration for my own mother.

It is a perfect gift, especially for mothers.

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