More Tests!
Monday, 16 February 2009
Deion has to go into hospital tomorrow for some tests on his central nervous system. The doctors are still trying to find out why Deion is losing muscle strength, so we are off for another set of tests, maybe we’ll get some answers this time. He should only be in for a day or so.
I’m packing his bag as we speak, which seems to include rather a lot of video games and a whole rotisserie chicken for him to scoff as soon as he can eat again...he isn’t bothered about anything else!!!
So if I’m not blogging for a couple of days, it’s because I am at the hospital with Deion, or if he’s home, catering to his every need!
Back soon
Sally and Deion xxx
16 February 2009 at 20:22
We will be thinking of you Dee, much love Uncle John & Trojan
17 February 2009 at 17:18
Sending prayers & good thoughts that you find answers.