My Cup Runeth Over  

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Trojan and I frightened ourselves last night.

It was salsa night, so off we went to strut our stuff. As it’s winter…and England, it was obviously cold, and even the hall was a bit chilly, so we decided to have a quick nip of Baileys before the class started…purely for medicinal purposes you understand, and just the one.

So we ordered ourselves two Baileys, a minute later the lady came back with our drinks and put them in front of us. Both Trojan and I looked down at the glass, then up at each other in horror and said “where is it?”

“Is that seriously one measure? I asked him.

“It must be,” said Trojan looking just as dejected as I felt.

Crikey, I had no idea a measure was that small, we couldn’t stop laughing, when Trojan and I pour a baileys, we pour half a glass, here we were with less than a mouthful. It was barely a taste, and we both had to resist the urge to run our finger around the glass to get the last of it out.

We laughed about it, but it was a little scary to think we would pour about twenty measures in a glass and call it one drink!

So, it would cost about a thousand pounds to actually get drunk on Baileys in a bar…is that right?

Take care

Sally and Trojan!

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