finally...a come back at the right time!
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Well, I managed it, I actually managed a to come back the moment it was needed.
Now road workers (although I'm sure there are a few exceptions) have always amazed me, the way they bellow their (often depraved) sexual needs at women in the hope that one day one of these women will just be overcome and demand said workman fulfills his needs then and could happen right???So today as I walked past three men working on the roadside, I got yelled he could have been my dream man, it was hard to tell with the sun glinting off of his bald red head, and the sweat running through his bulky hairy shoulders and back, he may have had a good physique under that rug like body, may have had a good package even, but it was hidden in the overhang of his belly...yep, and his turn of phrase was exquisite!
"NICE TITS," he yelled.
"SUCK MY DICK," he said (he was probably embarrassed as his co-workers were laughing at him)
"ARE YOU'RE SURE YOU'VE GOT ONE, YOU CAN'T HAVE SEEN IT FOR YEARS UNDER THAT GUT OF YOURS," I smiled back.Well anyway, I managed a comeback instead of just putting my head down and walking on...
And here's the worst bit...I actually felt a Little guilty for this male chauvinist pig, how low must his self esteem be to yell at women like that, it must be hard to look in the mirror every morning to see the body of a woolly mammoth and the head of a ten pin bowling ball...poor guy!
1 August 2009 at 08:37
TYour come backs are AWESOME. Love it love it love it.
I can't stand these men who are so degrading to women. Job well done giving some of your own back.
I really don't understand what the whole point it when they make these comments, what are they hoping to achieve. Yep, makes em such a man to be able to make a woman feel uncomfortable.
Good on you very proud of you.
hugs to you.
1 August 2009 at 11:24
Awww! My little girl's growing up! ; ) That comment you made the other day about never coming up with anything good is no longer valid. I'm sooooo proud of you!!!
1 August 2009 at 14:08
That was perfect! And don't you feel one little guilty! He deserved it!
I bet he looked in the mirror when he got home, looking for his dick too!
1 August 2009 at 14:35
Yuck, Yuck! Snicker, snicker!
1 August 2009 at 17:19
Your comebacks were hilarious. I bet he wasn't expecting that!! Good for you!
2 August 2009 at 03:30
OMG that's hysterical! He deserved it totally!
2 August 2009 at 18:44