Thursday, 16 April 2009
I apologise for not keeping up with my comments the last couple of days. I took the kids to visit some friends of ours down in the New Forest for a break. We had a fantastic time, the kids loved it, it is pure countryside, and once we were about 2 hours outside of London the kids kept asking me what the smell was…I resisted the
urge to say “that’s cow shit!” and told them it was just fresh country air. We are used to slightly thicker and more ‘mineral’ based air in London!!!
The kids were amazed when we got closer and came across horses, ponies and cows wandering around right next to and even in the road, no fences, no owners, just animals wandering free. We were total tourists, the first cow/horse/sheep/Shetland pony/donkey we saw, I pulled over and the kids jumped out the van to take photos…all the locals were looking at us like we were crazy…of course every day life for them!And one of our funniest moments was Deion shouting “oh my god, someone’s graffiti’d the sheep!” bless…so used to being in London and anything that doesn’t move quick enough getting tagged
or spray painted…I had to explain that’s what the farmers did to know who’s sheep were who’s…but how cute is that???
Deion’s highlight was seeing a sign on a gate saying ‘FREE POO’ I couldn’t stop at take a photo as we were on a country road barely wide enough for a bicycle! But we saw many more, and signs offering free horse manure…again, I had to explain why people used manure! Very funny, I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in ages!We had the most relaxing couple of days, it was great to see the kids all together, and lovely to have a break. The weather was beautiful. We went down to the harbour and saw all the boats, and wandered around the tiny town with the cobbled streets and tiny shops. It was like going back a couple of decades, no one was rushing, complete strangers stopped to say hello and I’m wondering if I can talk Dave into moving out of London!!!!
16 April 2009 at 11:41
Looks like you had a great time and a good ipportunity to spend some quality time with the kids.
Loved the sign for the free poo has the credit effected GB so much that we are giving away Sh'T?
ps great time at Salsa last night.
16 April 2009 at 12:28
OMG Trojan, you're mad...I just made deion jump out of his skin when I read that and barked with laughter!!!
you know the new forrest isn't the only place you can get free sh*t
yeah, salsa was great...
16 April 2009 at 13:32
That sounds like so much fun. The best part is watching the kids enjoy it. That post makes me want to move out of the suburbs, even if it does smell like sh*t in the country.
16 April 2009 at 13:43
That is way too funny. It is amazing the things that most people take for granted might just be a day of entertainment to many others. I live on an island facing the Atlantic Ocean. Someone like Dena lives in the middle of corn fields. She would be experiencing things for the first time that I pass by every day without a second thought. Thanks for
16 April 2009 at 14:22
I suppose free poo is better than poo on sale!
16 April 2009 at 14:57
What a great trip! I laughed out loud at the 'Free Poo!' sign!
16 April 2009 at 17:44
That looked so nice...I can't believe there were free wild horses just roaming how awesome. I laughed at the "free poo" sign too funny!
16 April 2009 at 18:30
That sounds amazing!! I would love to be somewhere like that, seeing the animals rome free. We definatly don't have anything like that around here. LOL too, funny the things kids say. :-D
17 April 2009 at 02:51
It sounds like yall had a fantastic time! The free poo thing is too funny. Deion is definitely your child.