Death To Telemarketers!!!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
At five to six this morning, my phone rang. I picked it up worried that something was wrong, only to be met with someone asking me if I could have one two or three windows in my house replaced for free, what would I choose? I bit back what I actually wanted to say…which was… 'nothing I’d burn my house to the ground rather than let you anywhere near it now you've woken me up you dozy cow!’
I was pissed off, its school holidays, it was also my one chance this week of getting a lay in. Now the kids were awake too…no hope of getting back to bed.
But instead of yelling at her, I said “look, its six o’clock, go away, and before you even think about ringing back later, I have new windows, I don’t need any replaced.”
Five minutes later, the same woman wanted to know if I needed a conservatory, ‘NO!’
Five minutes later a porch! ‘NO again!’
But this time I asked for her phone number…to which she replied with a shocked “why?”… “So I can ring you at an ungodly hour of the morning about something useless, irrelevant and that you have no interest in, then I’ll proceed to ring you every ten minutes until you want to scream and rip the phone out of the wall….then you’ll know how these phone calls make me feel.”
Why are there a bunch of companies out there who think we are not intelligent enough to source what we need? If I needed a new kitchen/bathroom/windows/advice on endowment mortgages/loan reductions or accident cover, then I am more than intelligent enough to find a company, get the best deal and go ahead and get it done.
Do they think there are hundreds of people sitting in their homes saying, “crikey, we really need new windows, these are practically falling out…if only a telemarketer would ring.” They sit huddled round the phone anxiously waiting for a call….the phone rings, they snatch it up…no, disappointment, just someone selling kitchens, they have to wait again!!!
Exactly…NO! WE DO NOT!Considering most of us have enough technology in our homes to communicate with Jupiter if we should so wish, why on earth would we not be able to phone or e-mail a couple of companies and get a quote on what we need.
I get that people need to supplement their income, I get that times are hard, so yes, we now get unproportionately high numbers of cold calling from people with second jobs. And okay, I admire the work ethic. But please people, after eight in the morning, before eight at night, take no for an answer and once someone has said ‘no’ take them off your list and never ever call them again!
Grumpy from less than three hours sleep.
14 April 2009 at 12:17
yes, can relate- isnt it awful ?
14 April 2009 at 13:14
Seriously! I think you nailed it on the head..with all this technology, don't you think we would find YOU if we needed windows!
Boo to Telemarketers!
14 April 2009 at 15:02
Ah, the "do not call list" how I love thee, let me count the ways
14 April 2009 at 15:06
May be she just fancied a chat as there is alot of lonely people out there...just a thought...just a thought
14 April 2009 at 15:06
May be she just fancied a chat as there is alot of lonely people out there...just a thought...just a thought
14 April 2009 at 16:49
I agree, can't stand them, but 6 in the morning is beyond insane. My mom use to tell them crazy shit like, "no you can't talk to my dad, he is in the shower with my sister" or something messed up. LOL
14 April 2009 at 17:09
Are you kidding me? 6:00 a.m.? Insane!
14 April 2009 at 21:56
Yikes! What the hell was she even doing up at 6:00 a.m. working at a call center? Eegads.
You could whisper something like, "Could you come over here and fix this window real quick? I just busted it out trying get inside this house to steal these people's jewelry and guns."
15 April 2009 at 15:30
Sal, I feel for you. It's for this reason that we have only one land line in the house and it is located in the kitchen with a low long as everyone is present and accounted for in the house....the phone could ring all night long!
16 April 2009 at 12:29
ahhh...thats where i'm going wrong...
19 April 2009 at 21:50
Sally, we got rid of our land line 5 yrs ago when we 'lived' at our clinic. Just kept a line for the computers!! The older boys have cells and so do Kev and I!!
Don't know how it works in England, but here, we've had our contract so long, it is very economical!!