The things kids say!!!!!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Today, I came to realise that I may be too open with the kids. especially Deion, who can't seem to keep his mouth shut about anything!
The kids know what I do, I tell them about some of the kids I see, what they go through, how they live, the trouble they are in and whats ahead for some of them. I don't give them details, especially not when its a rape of murder case, I don't want to to give them nightmares, but it's just so they can see where that road can lead, and perhaps to make them more aware of the dangers around them.
Part of what I do means that I will go into a prison if a juvenile needs to be questioned. So today, I have to go to a prison, be escorted with a kid to the local police station where he can be interviewed, then be escorted back to prison, then I can leave.
Little did I know that Deion happily went off to school telling them that "Mummy's going to prison today!"of course it doesn't help that he has been telling them that I go to police stations ALOT!!!
They are aware (NOW!) of what I do, thank goodness, I just hope he hasn't been telling his friends the same thing...I don't expect we'll have many friends round for tea if they tell their mum that they want to come to Deion's house, but by the way, his mum is in prison....
Kids!!! still, you gotta see the funny side!
17 September 2009 at 14:45
Sometimes their filters are little off kilter. At least if he doesn't get invited somewhere he can blame it on you.
17 September 2009 at 17:42
LOL - I can hear Deion adding exaggerated details as well! Well at least the kids will not be bothering him at school! With mum as a Jail bird and dad as a lawyer - I think you all bases covered!
17 September 2009 at 17:43
hehe! thats just flat out FUNNY!!
17 September 2009 at 18:21
Teacher's must have lots of great dinner party stories
17 September 2009 at 19:07 say the darndest things
17 September 2009 at 20:27
This was hysterical. It never amazes me though. My wife and I owned a gymnastics school. You would be amazed the things kids would tell us. If their parents ever knew, they would be mortified!
17 September 2009 at 22:34
LOL nice, gotta love kids!! Hey no reason to hate for going to prision, just a unique family ;-)
18 September 2009 at 02:06
That's an excellent way of weeding out the bad influences in your kid's lives! "Oh crap! Can't go to Deion's house. His mom's gonna rat me out!" ; )
Good job!
18 September 2009 at 08:07
Out of the mouth of babes!!!!!! lol!!
Nice one Sal xxXxx