Thanks Trojan  

Thursday, 30 July 2009

I hope you are all impressed with the new background. I'd like to be able to take the credit, but I won't, mainly because it would be a big fib.

My good good friend Trojan of Trojan's Corner did it for me.

Trojan's a star, and I hardly had to hint at all, I made one comment about liking something on his blog, and it was done, on mine the same day. Then he updated the background for me with one of my favourite flowers....

Most men (especially my darling husband) needs to be hinted to death, nothing less subtle than a sledge hammer over the head will do it. Birthdays and Anniversaries have to be mentioned on the hour every hour weeks in advance, and its still hit and miss if he remembers...

But mention something to Trojan and he takes it on board...a man that pays attention (not a myth after all ladies).

This is why Trojan introduced me to blogging, video blogs, and promoting the charity together. And also how we ended up salsa partners.

So Trojan thank you for your ideas, support, friendship and enthusiasm.

I bet he's blushing now lol!!!!

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